no.5. The Future of Social Media: Note-taking apps used for Collective Intelligence.

Fis Fraga
Bold prediction for the Future:
The future of Social Media is not sharing shallow information, but the exchange of structured knowledge.
(One part of) Social Media will transition from Information to Knowledge. And this has serious implications for the future of notes and note-taking apps.
There is a shift taking place in human consciousness.
More and more people are waking up from matrix of illusion. More people are questioning authority, thinking critically, seeking the truth, and not accepting previous outdated paradigms and worldviews.
And I know this trend is not highly apparent… But if you look for evidence, you will see it everywhere.
The most recent example is an authority not conforming to other authorities. Robert F Kennedy Jr. has been elected to Health Secretary and then proceeded to publicly ostracize current health standards, not accepting a previous paradigm which was clearly outdated.
This is clear evidence that humanity’s consciousness is being raised.
Humanity as a whole will no longer accept the sick paradigm of toxic foods, medication abuse, artificial lights, and sedentary lifestyle… To the point where the government of one of the world’s most powerful countries is launching a campaign to Make America Healthy Again.
P.S. This has nothing to do with politics. Regardless of who is promoting a change, this always reflects the underlying consciousness connecting all human beings.
This is all just to illustrate that there is a change in paradigm going on.
”And what does this have to do with Note-taking?”
Well, I see this evolution of human consciousness happening in many levels.
But one of these levels is specifically relevant to you and me:
The DIKW Pyramid.
The DIKW pyramid originally reflects a hierarchy for working with data. There is an increase of the value of data with every stage, moving from Data, to Information, to Knowledge, and finally to Wisdom.

But I also see this as one representation of the evolution of consciousness.
These 4 stages represent steps in the development of a society, from handling superficial Data, to living according to deep, profound Wisdom.
Let me describe these briefly, for a matter of illustration. Don’t over-focus on any specific description, but on the big picture.
1. Data. Society that works with raw data. This is survival mode, simple processing of vital signs, everyone is completely regulated by hormones and emotions. Lack of explicit meaning, or proper structured communication.
2. Information. Society with shared information. Communication has been developed, and information can be exchanged, descriptions are made, messages are conveyed. Value comes from having information, being aware of what happens.
3. Knowledge. Society is based on shared knowledge. Everyone has shared access to unlimited structured knowledge. About everything, from modern topics and cutting-edge frontiers of study, to the age-old underlying principles in the cosmos, understanding of duality and it’s eternal balancing act between polarities, and even detailed explanations of why worldviews can be converging and diverging. Everything is documented, and there is no space for disagreements, because other’s perspectives are easily understandable.
4. Wisdom. Society is based on pure wisdom. Knowledge has been fully ingrained and processed in every individual. People are all aligned to higher wisdom, and are able to live in harmony, and synchronicity. There’s no more space for judgement, and the norm is unconditional love, harmoniously progressing forwards.
Right now, I see humanity transitioning from 2. Information to 3. Knowledge.
We now understand that blindly relying on information is a problem. Humanity is making the transition towards explicitly sharing knowledge. (The perfect example is again RFK, decades of misinformation are now giving place to structured knowledge about how to actually take care of health.)
As we’ve seen, humanity’s evolution is tied to the evolution of each individual.
And this is what’s happening… More people are seeking (wisdom) a deeper understanding of reality.
As people become more aware of the true meaning of life, so they will move away from the consumption of shallow and mindless information, and transition to the pursuit of deeper and meaningful knowledge.
This is where note-taking apps will become the new Social Media.
Future Social Media will not be exchange of shallow information.
Future Social Media will be exchange of deep knowledge.
Think of it as Knowledge Media.
Just like today we have several platforms to share information, such as X, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Medium, etc…
In the future, there will be several platforms to share your knowledge.
These platforms are what we know today as note-taking apps.
Each note-taking app provides a different way to structure knowledge, this allows us to represent specific knowledge in different ways.
Today, these apps are mostly used to represent our personal knowledge, inside a private workspace, with notes to yourself. (The term note-taking is super appropriate here.)
In the future, you will use these apps to represent your shared knowledge, inside a public workspace, with notes to others. (A better term than note-taking would be knowledge-sharing or note-sharing.)
All of this is actually already possible and available today.
But there is a key distinction here that makes all the difference for these ”note-taking apps”: The average use-case of this category of apps will change.
These apps will naturally mutate to be used in different ways.
Actually, it’s a dance.. between tool with it’s creators (and users).
“We become what we behold. We shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us” – Marshall McLuhan (John Culkin)
The tools themselves will be responsible for this change.
As I said, this technology is already available. Having a powerful means to share our knowledge in the first place will be a leading factor into the change, not merely an effect.
Note-taking apps (the tools) will bring this effect upon themselves (our further shaping of note-taking apps to become a Social Media tool).
Social Media is lined up to develop a new segment of Knowledge Media.
We will have social interactions by connecting to knowledge from other people, in much more vivid, dynamic, and profound ways. Think of it as a knowledge exchange platform.
This is very aligned with a concept called the Collective IQ.
The Collective IQ as a concept by Douglas Engelbart, described as set of collective capabilities that are similar to individual problem-solving abilities, but on a collective scale. It represents the group’s collective ability to handle knowledge.
The most important aspects of the Collective IQ, according to Engelbart are ”the process” and the ”assets produced by that process”.
Process: the group’s ability to develop, integrate, and apply its knowledge, in a smooth collaborative, and collective process.
Assets produced by the process: the group’s shared knowledge repository, such that information can be synthesized, stored, retrieved, and updated.
Note-taking tools used as Knowledge Media bring major improvements to BOTH the process and the assets produced by the process. What seems like a tool that only help your organize your personal notes is actually something much deeper than you imagined. It’s the beginning of a new way of communicating and evolving a society.
Knowledge Management tools will bring a new era of human collaboration as the future of Social Media.
These tools also contribute to a concept Engelbart described as Bootstrapping. This is the idea of improving the improvement process. The better a collective group becomes, the greater the improvement rate will be. It’s a positive feedback loop.
This was described as Engelbart as being a necessary process for humans to face and to overcome the challenges we shall face on a challenging period for humanity.
This challenging period is upon us.
The time has come to: get in touch with our authenticity, build our knowledge repositories, and share our wisdom with others. As the pioneers of a collaborative, abundant, and bootstrapped future for humanity.
And this process starts with each of us individually.
We are all responsible for the collective consciousness. Each of us play an important part in pursuing our individual growth, while sharing our knowledge and supporting people around us to grow alongside us.
This is why I’m cultivating the Fis Fragments as a public Knowledge Garden in Tana.
It’s a way to structure my knowledge in a public way, that gives you access to my unique perspective and deeper meanings behind what I can write in one fragment. Hopefully, this can spark a new level of understanding about a topic, and lead to interesting insights and breakthroughs.
The future of Knowledge Media is here.
Cheers to a future of deeper social interactions, with more collaboration and collective intelligence.
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