🛠️ Tana Mobile iOS (Testlight) – Known issues/bugs/not implemented yet:
The current app is the first step in bringing Tana to mobile, where focus has been on enabling you to view and search for information in your Tana, in addition to selecting Supertags, destination and language when capturing, and giving you nicely structured content from voice memos.
We are aware there are still many things missing, but we also think the app will give many users value in the current state! We will continue improving it continuously.
Overall functionality
It’s not possible to edit existing content, only add new things to a new or create new nodes (we’re working towards this, but it requires more time..)
Not possible to delete content
Viewing content from your Tana will not work offline (capturing will work)
Commands are not supported – command buttons will not show up
Not possible to edit content in tables (must zoom into node), only check checkboxes
Not possible to download/copy images/videos
Calendar sync is not working on mobile yet (The Agenda on Today may show content that was synched if you have opened Tana on desktop, but will not sync new events)
Captured nodes may take a few seconds to appear in their destination
History has been moved to the Manage tab (where you can go to the destination of capture) Now back in Capture tab
Auto-initialization will not work, only for date fields set to current date
Not possible to fill in fields while capturing (except for voice memos), but you can do it afterwards when the node is created.
Sorting of Supertags in the picker for captures is not ideal, we’re looking into a better way to show recently used Supertags
Capture in to a search node does not work well (added nodes will not be filled in match search criteria), they will not be tagged, will be sent to today and will require post-processed to appear in the search
We are likely make changes to how voice memo processing works, look for updates in the community and release notes.
If you apply a tag, we will attempt to auto-fill ALL fields on a Supertag unless they have been added to “Fields to exclude” in Auto-fill settings in Tag config. You can see the fields when selecting Supertag in Voice memo recorder in the app.
It is possible opt-out from auto-filling title, description and content of that captured node as well as give custom AI instructions for these under “Custom Autofill behavior”.
The new app has a temporary limit of 1 hr for voice recordings – we are working to extend this. You will see and hear a warning when reaching the limit (and can then start a new recording).
The language selected will determine the output of the transcript (also in source material). The language selection in the mobile app will not apply for voice captures on desktop.
Instance fields are not showing avatars/icons
Optional fields are not supported yet
Not possible to set ranges in date fields
Auto-initialized fields will not work yet when node is created from mobile
Hidden fields may not show as intended (esp. if having semantic functions)
Search nodes
Search nodes takes some seconds to update
Search nodes don’t always have correct sorting/grouping
Some search nodes with complex queries may not show correct results
We’d love to hear which searches are not working (please incl. screenshots of query editor)!
These search operators not fully supported:
The COMPONENTS_REC search clause does not work at all.
No system fields, except Date from calendar node, will work.
Date from calendar node system field is only partially working.
Related Content
Search nodes doesn’t always work properly inside related content, you may need to click to update
Other issues/known bugs
Tana URLs not opening in the app when pasted into Safari
Scroll position is sometimes not preserved when you navigate in nodes
Fixed since launch
Not possible to edit inline dates, only add new date -> Now possible to change dates
We are working on a better way to select languages you use often (and an auto-detect option is coming) -> Recently used languages are now shown on top. Auto-detect options is available (supports 16 languages). The system language of the device is used the first time you open app.