Node Breakdown

Get to know what each node incorporates and some little information to guide you on the use cases. Expand each node for more information


Within the Life OS journal you will be able to track every moment, be it big or small. You will also have the ability to categorise every entry based on its nature (e.g Personal, Work), add an image, a mood and most important of all with a click of a button you will get a list of journaling questions with the help of AI based on the title of your entry to make sure you exhaust as much information as possible.
You can choose to respond to whatever journaling question and delete the questions you don’t find quite relevant
If you would like to journal in much more depth you can do so right after all the fields within the entry you just created


The Life OS pinboard is essentially a place to track all important things that you might not necessarily want to solidify within your workspace. For example if you ordered something and wanted to note down a reference number you can use the pin (os) supertag and assign a status to it
The open status means that you would like to get back to the pin sometime in the future
The resolved status means that you are no longer going to use the pin anymore and it will be sent to the resolved pins node
The stored away status means that you would like to store this pin for long term use
Every node assigned with the pin (os) supertag will get two button commands, the 📁 button will quickly set the pin status to stored away and the 👍 will set a resolved status
Whenever you want to empty the Resolved Pins search node all you have to do is click on the Delete Resolved Pins and all the reserved pins will be deleted


The Life OS wishlist is a place where you keep all those amazing things you would like to purchase someday
The wishlist-item (os) supertag is created to make sure you can easily categorise your wishlist items based on their price, their priority (how much importance they have to you), their category and you could also rate the items based on their price in relation to what you think is cheap, affordable or expensive giving you the freedom to craft a wishlist that is honest and true to you

The Brain

The Life OS brain node is a place where all your discoveries, quotes and notes are stored

Personal CRM

The Personal CRM is a hub to manage all your relationships.
Its a place where you can keep certain information about people (such as where they live, work, their hobbies), keep track of recent interactions with them as well as being able to generate catchup draft messages based on the most recent update from the most recent interaction recorded in your workspace

Here how to use the Personal CRM

To add a person into your workspace all you have to do is use the person (os) supertag and fill in all the details
Whenever you catchup with anyone you can also add this interaction using the interaction (os) supertag (You have to type the supertag first then fill in the details). One thing to note is that whenever you add details about the latest interaction you can then copy those details and paste them in the respective persons node under the Latest Update (os) field. This will allow you with a tap of a button to generate a catchup message/conversation starter using the most recent update

Task Manager

The task manager allows you to track and manage all your tasks. With it you will be able to track all tasks, overdue tasks, view tasks in a kanban board grouped by completion status, utilise an Eisenhower matrix to prioritise your tasks (limited to tasks with start date relative to today and tomorrow), a calendar to visualise your tasks and much more
The task manager also comes with command buttons that allows you to quickly raise or lower the priority of a task and commands to quickly postpone your task start date to either tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
With the help of AI you can also have subtasks generated for each of your tasks based on the title of the task

Goals & Achievements

With goal setting you will be able to track both your long term and short term goals. You will also be able to relate any tasks to any goal using the Related Goal (os) field in the task supertag and have the tasks show up under their respective/related goals

Project Manager

With Life OS you can also track all your projects using the project (os) supertag
You can assign project members, set a project timeline, project priority, budget and much more. Whenever you create a task anywhere using the todo (os) you can assign a project to the task which means whenever you dive into the respective project you will find all your project tasks listed below. As soon as you check a project task as done it will disappear.

Media Library

Media Library is your entertainment companion, with media library you will be able to track movies and tv shows, podcasts, books and games.
In the Media Library the movie supertag is powered with OMDB’s API. This API allows you to have certain movie fields fill up automatically with a click of a button. To be able to use the command you have to visit and request a free API key. Upon receiving the key in your email head over to this command : 🔍. Open the Make API request command by clicking edit configuration and add your API key where its says ADD YOUR API KEY HERE. Make sure you do not change anything in this section apart from adding your API unless you are familiar with code. Thats all you are set. Now you can easily just type a movie name, tag it with the movie supertag (movie (os)) and as soon as you click the fetch details button you will automatically get an overview of the film, the film director, release date, genre and an IMDB Rating
The media library also comes with a great and fast way to rank your media based on the number of times you click the ‘⭐’ button. If you click the star once this will apply a one star rating and if you keep clicking the star button lets say 4 times the rating will be reflected
If you love books, well the media library got you too. Whenever you are going through that amazing book you just recorded into Tana and would like to save a highlight from the book into your workspace you can easily do so by just writing down the highlight and tagging it with book highlight (os) and selecting the respective book from which the highlight is from.
A podcast fan? Well you can also do the same. You can simply add any podcast into your workspace using the podcast (os) supertag and whenever you want to track an episode you can also do so using the podcast episode (os). If there is something you would also like to capture from an episode you can also use the podcast note (os) supertag for that

Bookmark Manager

The Life OS bookmark manager is a place to store all your internet finds such as Websites, articles, YouTube videos and apps
The bookmark manager might not be the most smoothest way to save things from the internet but sure is a great way to keep them organised somewhere in your own workspace
The main reason there isn’t only one bookmark supertag is because people have different needs and use cases. If there was only one bookmark supertag, users of Life OS won’t be able to add extra fields that might be specific to one thing for example;Having a field Tweet Author into one shared bookmark supertag means you will have to deal with the tweet author field in a bookmark related to an article, website, app and much more. Because of this Life OS bookmark supertags are diverse and allow for extra additions of fields without breaking anything in your workspace. The only 2 fields that are similar across all bookmarks is the Bookmark Category (os) and the 💎 Is this a gem? field

Career Hub

Life OS also helps you in taking your next career step. With the career hub and respective supertags you will be able to track your job applications, interviews and companies you apply to

Heres how to use the career hub effectively

Before using the job post (os) supertag you will first have to open it and paste in your resume within the Resume (os) field. This will come in handy when you would like to generate a cover letter using AI that will take into account the job description and the resume you added in the supertag. When adding your resume try not to create any nested nodes, you can either submit one full node with all your resume details or you can separate various sections by skipping a line and using Caps for section titles. Provide as much information in the resume as possible
If you would like to add a job post simply type in the supertag job post (os) and fill in all the details required. Once done you will then need to copy the respective job post description and paste in into your Tana. If there is anything nested in the job description pasted make sure to un-nest them as this way the AI will be able to fetch everything
Once the job description is added you can then proceed to create a draft cover letter suing AI that will take your resume and job description into account meaning that it will write a cover letter using details from your resume and respond to the job requirements or description using your details
If you manage to secure an interview you can quickly add an interview from your day node by using the Interviews (os) supertag or you can navigate to the respective job and hit 👔 to create an interview Within the interview node you created you will be able to get a list of preparation questions by hitting the ❓ button. This button essentially creates interview preparation questions based of the job title of the interview you are about to take part in

Business Idea Companion

Would you like to have some of your business ideas come to life then this is the place to start
To use the business companion all you have to do is write down a short brief description of your business idea e.g start a mexican restaurant in London and use the business idea (os) supertag. Once done you will get a detailed breakdown of your idea using the well-known SWOT analysis but only taking the Opportunities and Threats into account as the Strength and Weaknesses are reserved if you already had a business running but given that you are in the ideation process the O and the T is all you need for now. Despite getting an insight into the opportunities and threats you will also get an estimated budget for the idea, a list of important things you need to consider before pursuing the idea, brands and services that can help you bring the idea to life, a persona and finally a very short and summarised business plan
With the business idea supertag you will also be able categorise what idea you would like to look into, work on, archive etc and you will also manually assign the feasibility and cost rank you think an idea has based on your resource availability

Travel Planner

With the travel planner you will be able to track and plan your trips ahead of time
The travel planner requires you to first state the amount of days you wish to stay in the location, once that is done with a click of a button you will get a list of places to visit and an itinerary based on the days you will be staying in the location with travel times between each location to help for a precise trip planning (note: travel times won’t be 100% accurate as all the suggestions are made by AI which might not factor in various changes that have taken place in the real world in terms of infrastructure in the area, transport availability etc).
On top of this you can also get local food recommendations for the location you are visiting, these recommendations at times will also be accompanied with local well known restaurants you can visit to try the dishes

Bill & Subscriptions

Within the Life OS you will also be able to track your bills and subscriptions
The bill (os) and subscription (os) supertags contain command buttons that allow you to quickly activate or pause a subscription or bill
Using the supertags you will also be able to set a commitment plan (be it daily, weekly, monthly or yearly), billing date, amount and a billing account from which the money will be deducted from (this is for your own personal reference)

Food & Recipes

Want to track your recipes as well? Life OS got you covered
Within the Food and Recipes Node you will find a list of all recipes you have recorded in your Tana workspace, you will also be able to categorise your recipes for organisation purposes and quick access to them. The Food & Recipes node also comes with a node intended for recipes you can make in just 30 minutes. This is a small but very great addition especially for busy people
One amazing things that makes the recipe (os) supertag special is the fact that you can easily have all ingredients in a recipe quickly added into the Shopping Cart node ready for you to tick off with just a one click of a button 🛒. After checking off al the ingredients you can empty the basket with one click 🧹 as well ready for the next ingredients to come in. Smooth, fast and simple

Focus Tracker

Life OS also comes with a focus session tracking supertag which allows you to track all your focus sessions, assign a category and also provide extra details about all your sessions
To track your focus session all you have to do is write down the intention of the session/what you will be doing and assign the focus-session (os) supertag. Once done, you can click the ⏱️ button to start the session and once you are done working on what you were doing all you have to do to stop the session is to hit the 🔴 button.
You will be able to see all your focus sessions for the day in the Today’s Focus Sessions node. You will see a total amount of time you spent focusing for the day and you can further sort and filter for the exact details you might be looking for. For example how much time you spent on personal related focus sessions etc
You can also see all focus sessions by category in the Focus Session by Category node. Whenever you start adding new categories in the Session Category (os) field you can then create some more search nodes to reflect that in the Focus Session by Category but this is totally up to you
If for any reason you aren’t able to see the total amount of time reflected at the bottom of any focus session table all you have to do to resolve this is to head over to the Session Timeline column and right click on it, you will then select calculate and SUM. This will fix that issue

Dream Analyser

In the Life OS you can also opt to track your dreams and get an AI analysis of what your dreams could potentially mean. This is a small and fun thing I decided to add
To use it all you have to do is to explain your dream and assign the dream (os) supertag. Once done, you can then select the 🌟 button to have your dream analysed
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