Changing how AI works in Tana

With Tana moving into our Beta phase, we take a step toward our vision of Tana powering AI.

We truly believe that Tana is perfectly positioned to become the knowledge operating system unlocking human and AI collaboration, through our knowledge graph and supertags. We are giving AI better building blocks. Tana AI will be included in Tana Core, our paid beta subscription.

Bring your own key

The experimental feature ”AI for Builders” with Bring Your Own Key was always intended to be an opportunity for us to learn how AI operations could fundamentally work in Tana, and to explore the art of the possible together with the community. We have learned that there are a myriad of exciting use cases and a clear need for users to personalize their own workflows with AI.
However, if we were to support BYOK on every feature in Tana, we would not be able to apply multiple models for different tasks and make use of the rapid advances that different players are driving. The fine-tuning of Tana models increases the quality of the results of LLMs, both when it comes to reducing hallucinations and working with the knowledge graph and Tana concepts. Additionally, our integrated AI gives us a total volume that provides better prices through partnerships with OpenAI, Anthropic, and other LLM companies than one user could obtain, thus making it cheaper for each user.

LLM agnostic

We have seen rapid growth in models for all kinds of specialized operations in the AI landscape. For an everyday user to utilize this ongoing advancement by subscribing to half a dozen models on top of a Tana subscription is unreasonable to expect. It is also unreasonable to think that all needs can be satisfied by a single model.
Being LLM agnostic is the only way to build valuable, novel AI features without being locked in with one model. We already utilize 13 different models today and only expect this number to rise. With our new model, Tana will provide users with the best and most efficient model for each task, tuned to work fluently with Tana.

Ease of AI use

Bringing your own key requires users to get an API account with OpenAI, which many users don’t want to do or know how to do. Our new model will give everyone access to multiple models tuned to the task out of the box.
We have dedicated the Command Ask AI to support BYOK so that those with special considerations can use it. You can give it a task like “make a table of x,” ask it to translate, do summaries, or write a question, and use ASK AI to get an answer.
We believe seamlessly integrating multi-model AI into the product will democratize AI in knowledge management (you don’t have to be super technical to harvest value from it). It’s the first version of a true AI-native KnowledgeOS for every Tanarian out there.
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